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Friday, November 8, 2013

What to Review for Civil Service Examination in 2014?

Civil Service Examination is conducted twice or thrice a year by the Civil Service Commission in the Philippines. The last examination was conducted on October 13, 2013. The new schedule is still not available but you can start preparing for the test after you filed your application for the year 2014. Knowing the scopes of the examination for both Professional and Sub-Professional exam will definitely give you the chance to review and refresh your knowledge in these subjects.

These are the scopes that civil service examinees should review:

Vocabulary – This is in English and Filipino. In the actual exam, you will encounter questions about synonyms and antonyms in the English part while kasingkahulugan and kasalungat na salita in Filipino. It is very important to improve your vocabulary by reading a lot in order to know the exact and opposite meaning of a certain word.

Grammar and Correct Usage – You can prepare for this part by answering sentence completion test, error identification and sentence correction. These practice tests are available in a civil service reviewer book that you can bought in National Bookstore or download it online.

Paragraph Organization – is a test in which you will read a group of sentences. There will be a question like asking you to arrange the group of sentences in order. Knowing which sentences should come first or last is very important to get a high score in this part.

Reading Comprehension – is the level of understanding of a text or message. You need to develop your ability to recognize words quickly and effortlessly. In this part of the test, you will come across some passages and questions’ asking you to identify what is the best title for the paragraph, which statement is true and so on.

Analogy - a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. For example, Kitchen is to cooking as bedroom is to sleeping. Another example is, HAND : PALM : : FOOT : ____.

Logical Reasoning - is the process which uses arguments, statements, premises and axioms to define weather a statement is true or false, resulting in a logical or illogical reasoning. This part of the test will test your analytical thinking and reasoning skills.

Clerical Operations – you will be given a set of words that you need to arrange alphabetically. This is only for the Sub-Professional examinees.

Philippine Constitution – you need to be acquainted with laws and general information about our constitution. Read the articles and other essential facts. These things will be very useful in the actual examination.

Numerical Reasoning – it is hardest part especially for those who are not good in Math. You need to review and study mathematical problems. Memorizing some basic formulas will be an advantage.
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