Step 1: Examination Account Registration
- Individuals register to create a user account
- Online registration via CSC-COMEX website
- Provide Personal information
Step 2: Examination Slot Reservation (ESR)
- Notification of online offerings on the type of examination, number of slots, date and time of appearance, date and time of examination, and examination venue
- Registered user reserves an examination slot online
Step 3: Examination Slot Confirmation (ESC)
- Confirmation of Application
- Completion of remaining stages of application: verification of applicants identity, payment of examination fee and capturing of applicant's photo, biometrics and digital signature
Step 4: Actual Test Program (ATP)
- Assignment of each examinee to a test form and a testing computer
- Authentication of examinee's biometrics
- Examinee takes the actual test |
Step 5: Test Results Processing (TRP)
- Processing of examination results
- Generation of examination reports
- Examinee gets the test result online
*credits to for the images
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