Civil Service Exam is a test created by the Civil Service Commission to filter those who are worthy to serve the government. The commission has two Civil Service Exams available. One is for professionals and the other one is for sub-professionals. Once you have decided to take the exam, you may choose from either Paper and Pencil Test (PPT) or Computer Assisted Test (CAT). The scope of the exam involves the following: English and Filipino vocabulary, proper grammar and accurate usage, organizing paragraphs, reading comprehension, logic and analogy, numerical reasoning, clerical reasoning, functions and procedures, questions from the Philippine Constitution particularly the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.
Passing the examination will shower you with several job opportunities. More doors will open for you career-wise especially jobs in the government. Once you passed, you’ll be eligible to work in several government agencies like GSIS, SSS, BIR, DSWD and DPWH. Being a civil service eligible person will make your career path branch out to different roads. In fact, heroic and noble jobs like working in the PNP, AFP and Bureau of Fire Protection will also be available if you passed the Civil Service Exam. Bragging rights can also be gained if you passed the exam. The test is tough because you need a mark of 80 in order to pass. It’s not a walk in the park. In fact, the average passing rate of this exam is only 10%.
Due to the fact that our government is tainted with graft and corruption, working for them is frowned upon. That’s why most fresh college graduates aims to work for private companies. However, working for the government isn’t that bad at all. In fact, it may even be better in the long run because of the benefits and compensation packages. So what are you waiting for? Take the Career Service Examination for Professional or Sub-Professional now!